Cows at the watering hold on a ranch in Texas

Our Approach

Our approach is unique in that we seek to fully understand, evaluate, and consider every feasible strategy possible that may help our clients pursue their goals. We are passionate about our money management strategies and our customized approach to liability management.

A Key Element To Success

Success is not measured by money, and money doesn’t always bring happiness. Money changes people – whether it be a lack of or an over-abundance of it.

wind farm at sunset

Our Philosophy

Our investment philosophy is embedded within our planning philosophy – it all begins with trust!  Trust is then followed by communication, knowledge, learning, understanding, education, reflection, empathy, comprehension, planning, recommendations, risk tolerance, evaluation, and periodic review.

You can expect discipline and commitment on our part.  We are passionately committed to helping you pursue your goals by aligning our compensation directly with your success.

Helping You Pursue Your Financial Goals

Meet the Team

The Vogler Wealth Management Group

Donny Vogler

Donny Vogler, CPFA

Managing Director/Investments

Heath Fellhauer

Heath Fellhauer, CPFA

Financial Advisor Associate

Ragan Woods

Ragan Woods

Client Service Associate